Conference Presentations

Speaker Title
Phil Comeau Opening remarks – Mixed species forests and the importance and role of spruce species in mixed forests (p1-comeau.pdf)
Braze, J. An overview of forests and forest management in Alberta ()
Macdonald, E. A natural disturbance-based approach to ecosystem management in the mixedwood boreal forest: Lessons learned from the EMEND project (p1-macdonald.pdf)
Deal, R. Mixed Sitka spruce-red alder stands in southeast Alaska: The role of alder for improving biodiversity and enhancing ecosystem services (p1-Deal.pdf)
Laganiere, J. The influence of boreal tree species mixtures on ecosystem carbon storage and fluxes (a1-laganiere.pdf)
Nijnik, M. Linking multi-functional forestry goals with the legacy of spruce plantations in Scotland (a1-nijnik.pdf)
Bater, C. Enabling wise forest management through the application of airborne laser scanning, with examples from biodiversity and riparian conservation (a1-bater.pdf)
Cortini, F. White spruce annual radial area growth and wood properties averaged over multiple time periods in relation to current tree and stand attributes (b1-cortini.pdf)
Sattler, D. Validation of existing and new models for wood stiffness in white spruce (b1-sattler.pdf)
Macdonald, E. Managing canopy composition in boreal mixedwood forests: effects on understory plant communities (a2-macdonald.pdf)
Fraser, E. Impacts of single and repeated glyphosate herbicide applications on plant community diversity and spruce growth in an Alberta spruce plantation (a2-fraser.pdf)
Diaci, J. Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica regeneration niche partitioning within gaps of an Alpine forest (b2-diaci.pdf)
Mason, W. How experiments that investigated growing Sitka spruce in mixture changed British forestry – and what happened afterwards (p2-mason.pdf)
Felton, A. Replacing monocultures with mixed-species stands in Sweden: The socio-ecological implications of two prominent mixed-species alternatives (p2-felton.pdf)
Oltean, G. Linking the depth-to-water topographic index to soil moisture on boreal forest sites in Alberta (a3-oltean.pdf)
Gartner, S. (presented by Phil Comeau) Natural regeneration of Picea glauca in the mixedwood boreal forest of western Canada – stand dynamics and yield implications (a4-comeau.pdf)
Vallet, P. Overyielding in mixed forests decreases with site productivity (b3-vallet.pdf)
Zenner, E. Modelling basal area growth in even- and uneven-sized mixed Picea abies stands in southern Finland as a function of growing stock and stand structure (b3-zenner.pdf)
Elkin, C. Evaluating the relative importance of direct and indirect impacts of climate change on European spruce forests (a4-elkin.pdf)
Comeau, P. Can mixedwood management mitigate climate change impacts on spruce in western Canada’s boreal forests? (a4-comeau.pdf)
Hoepting, M. Early vegetation control for the regeneration of a single-cohort, intimate mixture of white spruce and aspen on upland boreal sites (b4-Hoepting.pdf)
Kabzems, R. Managed mixtures of aspen and white spruce 21 to 25 years after establishment (b4-kabzems.pdf)
Smith, J. Sprucing up eastern Canadian mixedwoods: does white spruce (Picea glauca) respond to partial harvesting? (b4-smith.pdf)
Kabzems, R. Fifteen year results of white spruce underplanted beneath spaced and unspaced aspen stands in northeastern British Columbia (b5-Kabzems.pdf)
Krebs, V. Effects of intraspecific competition on growth of advance regeneration of white spruce following understory protection harvest (b5-krebs.pdf)
Pretzsch, H. Analyzing species mixing effects at the stand and tree level (p3-pretzsch.pdf)
Drössler, L. Scots pine-Norway spruce mixed forest experiments in northern Europe (p3-drossler.pdf)
Lieffers, V. Why is Canadian policy governing boreal mixedwood forests so complicated? (p3-lieffers.pdf)
Mason, W. Understanding mixed forests in Europe – findings from EuMIXFOR (p3-mason.pdf)
Comeau, P. Mixedwood management in the boreal plains of Canada – some options for the future (p3-comeau.pdf)